Monday, October 27, 2008

Pyglet Hello World

Here's a simple "Hello, world" window using pyglet 1.1.2 and python 2.5.2 on Windows XP.

Qik update

I just watched how long my initial broadcast delays were (at night, looking like low load) - 23 seconds.

To see a little of how this was used in a conference, see   

The interesting part was live during the conference, but if you go to the bottom of the list of videos to the "Welcome" video you'll get some idea.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Qik? What a Kick!

Tonight I was trying to find if anyone had succeeded in backing up their data store from Google App Engine applications.

In the process, I ran across an online conference which uses Qik - a video live broadcasting system. Curious, I went to the Qik site, only to find it's a live broadcasting system from your cell phone! My Motorola Q9c is one of the supported phones, so I tried it. Here's the result.

But to really get an idea of what this is like, you almost have to try it yourself.   The delay varies, but if you log in, then you see your video live, perhaps 3 or more seconds delayed.

The quality is as you might expect; it works.