Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fort Collins - Home of FAT TIRE!

Artistic Stainless (if it doesn't look artsy to you, it's probably because you need another beer about now):

My favorite brewery / beer - no kidding - had a tasting room open Tuesday through Saturday, 10AM - 6PM.

Tuesday, I had to watch the time - at least at the end. I pulled up to Stew's house at 5:46, and yelled "LET'S GO - THEY CLOSE IN 10 MINUTES!"

Fortunately, they only closed their DOORS at 6. We had some new beers, took home a growler, and I bought some souveniers. Took a few free coaster / postcards too.

Man - I LOVE this beer! And the folks there were really nice. Stew says the founders are neighbors of his, live a few blocks down.

Ah, american entrepreneurship as it was intended to be!

Ah, some corporate mumbo-jumbo is so predictable (and probably created by bean counters) as to make you...... ugh! ...... want another beer!

If only I'd known this is what CHEM LAB is really like, I probably would have done better in chemistry in school!

Trade secrets? Nah - just have another:

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